Docker image

We provide a docker image (defined in Dockerfile) that can be used to easily get an instance of CMS running locally with all the necessary dependencies. We also provide a docker-compose.test.yml files that uses said docker image to run the tests.

Make sure that you have a recent version of Docker installed, as well as Docker Compose.

Running tests

First you need to build the docker image, then you use it to run the tests.


The -p flag is used as a namespace for the containers that will be created. When you’re running tests on a separate branch, it can be useful to include the branch name there, to avoid any conflict. (You can also omit the flag and specify the name via the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME environment variable.)

If you are not part of the docker group, then you need to run every docker command with sudo.

To build the image:

docker compose -p cms -f docker-compose.test.yml build testcms

To run the tests:

docker compose -p cms -f docker-compose.test.yml run --rm testcms

Another option is to add the --build flag to the run command, to perform a new build before running the tests:

docker compose -p cms -f docker-compose.test.yml run --build --rm testcms

This command will create (assuming you used -p cms) a cms-testdb-1 container for the database which will not be automatically deleted, and a cms-testcms-run-<random_string> container for CMS which will be automatically deleted (because of the --rm flag) upon exiting.

To delete the cms-testdb-1 container after testing you can run:

docker rm -f cms-testdb-1