Score types


For every submission, the score type of a task comes into play after the task type produced an outcome for each testcase. Indeed, the most important duty of the score type is to describe how to translate the list of outcomes into a single number: the score of the submission. The score type also produces a more informative output for the contestants, and the same information (score and detail) for contestants that did not use a token on the submission. In CMS, these latter set of information is called public, since the contestant can see them without using any tokens.

Standard score types

CMS ships with the following score types: Sum, GroupMin, GroupMul, GroupThreshold, SubtaskGroup.

The first of the four well-tested score types, Sum, is the simplest you can imagine, just assigning a fixed amount of points for each correct testcase. The other three are useful for grouping together testcases and assigning points for that group only if some conditions held. Groups are also known as subtasks in some contests. The group score types also allow test cases to be weighted, even for groups of size 1.

Also like task types, the behavior of score types is configurable from the task’s page in AdminWebServer.


This score type interprets the outcome for each testcase as a floating-point number measuring how good the submission was in solving that testcase, where 0.0 means that the submission failed, and 1.0 that it solved the testcase correctly. The score of that submission will be the sum of all the outcomes for each testcase, multiplied by an integer parameter given in the Score type parameter field in AdminWebServer. The parameter field must contain only this integer. The public score is given by the same computation over the public testcases instead of over all testcases.

For example, if there are 20 testcases, 2 of which are public, and the parameter string is 5, a correct solution will score 100 points (20 times 5) out of 100, and its public score will be 10 points (2 times 5) out of 10.


With the GroupMin score type, outcomes are again treated as a measure of correctness, from 0.0 (incorrect) to 1.0 (correct); testcases are split into groups, and each group has an integral multiplier. The score is the sum of the score of each group, which in turn is the minimum outcome within the group times the multiplier. The public score is computed over all groups whose testcases are all public.

The parameters string for GroupMin is of the form [[m1, t1], [m2, t2], ...], where for each pair the first element is the multiplier, and the second is either always an integer, or always a string.

In the first case (second element is always an integer), the integer is interpreted as the number of testcases that the group consumes (ordered by codename). That is, the first group comprises the first t1 testcases and has multiplier m1; the second group comprises the testcases from the t1 + 1 to the t1 + t2 and has multiplier m2; and so on.

In the second case (second element is always a string), the string is interpreted as a regular expression, and the group comprises all testcases whose codename satisfies it.


GroupMul is almost the same as GroupMin; the only difference is that instead of taking the minimum outcome among the testcases in the group, it takes the product of all outcomes. It has the same behavior as GroupMin when all outcomes are either 0.0 or 1.0.


GroupThreshold thinks of the outcomes not as a measure of success, but as an amount of resources used by the submission to solve the testcase. The testcase is then successfully solved if the outcome is between 0.0 (excluded, as 0.0 is a special value used by many task types, for example when the contestant solution times out) and a certain number, the threshold, specified separately for each group.

The parameter string is of the form [[m1, t1, T1], [m2, t2, T2], ...] where the additional parameter T for each group is the threshold.

The task needs to be crafted in such a way that the meaning of the outcome is appropriate for this score type.

For Batch tasks, this means that the tasks creates the outcome through a comparator program. Using diff does not make sense given that its outcomes can only be 0.0 or 1.0.


SubtaskGroup distinguishes between subtasks and groups. A subtask can contain multiple groups. The score of a subtask is the sum of the scores of the groups it contains. The score of a group is calculated as in GroupMin.

Each subtask has a name (which is displayed to the contestants) and can be either public or private. The official (private) score is the sum of the scores of only the private subtasks.

Test cases can occur in any number of groups. They will all be evaluated exactly once but can be taken into account for computing the scores of multiple groups.

Custom score types

Additional score types can be defined if necessary. This works in the same way as with task types: the classes need to extend cms.grading.scoretypes.ScoreType and the entry point group is called cms.grading.scoretypes.